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Sin Caught You Slippin...

Bringing awareness to the fact that sin is real and leads to destruction. #LetsBeReal and not be niave..there is a problem with sin. It's in our weakness the enemy loves to temp and attack us when we are slippin and off guard. How can we be aware and stay alert?

Whoa, the thing that is keeping women and this world in bondage. The thing that keeps us as slaves. The thing that holds weight, guilt, and shame over us leading to our death. That “thing” is sin. Sin has been a problem sin the beginning of time back in the garden of eden, when Adam and Eve disobeyed God. From then on the generational curse of sin carried on, and the hearts of men became so evil. It was so bad that Jesus literally prepared to wiped everyone out with a flood and found a pure heart in Noah to help bring this to past through his obedience with building an ark and gathering his family and two of each animal. Fast forward to God sending His son Jesus to die on the cross for our sins so that we no longer have to pay the debt for it and are freed from being slaves to sin and deserving death and hell. Can I just pause to say thank you Jesus, because if it wasn't for God promising never to wipe the face of earth again and sending Jesus paying the price for us all to destroy Satan’s work once and for all, then everyone including you my friend would be out of here!

Now friend, let’s learn more about what sin is. I’m telling it all! The devil is not slick and God wants you to know the problem with sin and how we need to go about being born into sin. It is so important to break down sin and understand. It is easier to be cautious and recognize the root of sin and what happens to us as women and humanity in general. Sin is what literally separates us from God. In order for us to be redeemed back to God, God sent His son Jesus in the flesh as a representation of the invisible God. There was only one who could destroy the enemy's work once and for all, paying the price and becoming sin for all humanity. Roman 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. I love the Word of God so much because God literally lays everything out for us. The bible is not rocket science, with the help of the Holy Spirit we are able to understand the Word of God and apply it to our lives. God says to us that the wages of sin is death and that is the result. Sin is self-destructive and creates a hole for us driving, us further and deeper, further and deeper, further and deeper away from God where we won’t even realize how far away we are from God until He opens our eyes. Sin doesn’t care about color or race, whether male or female, or whether you are a child of God or not. Because of Satan, sin exists and we are not in control of being born into it. Friend, sin is blinding and the father of lies manipulates humanity by using the flesh to try to rule and confuse of to fall into his trap. The things the enemy presents to us does not coming looking like the devil. Today, I am encouraging and informing you so that you are equipped for what’s happening within the earth and for us all to examine our lives. Sin always comes looks nice and beautifully wrapped. It’s appealing to the eye, and often times looks innocent, and comes in the form of something you like. However, when we are born again and give our lives to Christ, we don't have to be slaves to sin but we are set free and can repent, turning away from it.

Now, let’s get to main point of why I’m writing and you reading about the problem with sin. There is a difference between living in sin and not living in sin. Living in sin is when one makes the conscious decision to live in something that goes against God’s will and does not honor Him. We are all sinners but God has delivered us out of our sins and has paid the price to set us free. God no longer wants us to live in the darkness but He has called into His marvelous light. We all mess up and sin everyday but we are able to repent and come back to Jesus recognizing we have fallen short and He is always there to forgive us. However, when one chooses to stay in sin it is impossible for one to have fellowship with the Lord because the Lord is to Holy to have sin in His presence. Further more, this is why sometimes it may feel like you are not receiving answers to your prayers. Sometimes it’s because sin is present in your life and you haven't asked the Lord for forgiven and to be washed and cleansed from all unrighteousness. The problem with sin is that it is darkness and seems like a comfortable place. John 3:19 And this is the verdict: The Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of the light because their deeds were evil. In fact, God says to us how the days are evil and that the world will get worse and worse as we are in expectation for the return of our Lord Jesus Christ. As Christians we have to take a stand for Christ. Love what He loves, and hate what He hates. Remember that God loves us all, and that we have to extend that to others, but He loves us to much to leave us the same in our sins. Remember to watch who you surround yourself with because that matters for bad company corrupts good character-1 Corinthians 15:33. God also chastise those He loves (Hebrews 12:6) (Proverbs 3:12) If you are friends with this world that’s enmity against God. What will you choose to do today? -Sydni Brooks

Reflection/ 5 Tips

1. Admit you are a sinner and in need of Jesus (repentance)

2. Believe in your heart that God sent Jesus to die on the Cross for your sins and Jesus rose with all power.

3. Confess with your mouth and you will be saved.

4. Develop a Godly community to fellowship with

5. Die to self daily, take up your cross to follow Jesus


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